Sogara Refinery – Gabon
- Kerosene flashpoint analyser integrated into a fully equipped, air-conditioned shelter
- Local connections and commissioning.
Total Feyzin Refinery - HDS 2nd Train (Engineering by Technip France)
- Supplying an analysis shelter comprising two sulphur analysers, two density meters and a gas chromatograph
- Carrying out the engineering, purchasing, integration into a shelter, installation on site and commissioning
Total Gonfreville Petrochemical Plant –Styrene plant (Engineering by Foster Wheeler)
- Supplying a fully equipped analyser shelter
- Carrying out the engineering, purchasing, integration into a shelter, installation on site and commissioning
Satorp Refinery – Saudi Arabia (Engineering by SK Engineering)
- Supplying a fully equipped analysis shelter with a viscosity analyser
- Carrying out the engineering, integration into a shelter and commissioning
Total Refinery - Feyzin
- Instrumentation work during shutdown of GA 13
- Preparing the dossiers and managing the spare parts
- Dismantling, checking the apparatus, refitting and checking operation
- 500 valves and sensors
Maintenance and services
Total Refinery - Donges / Grandpuits / Feyzin
- Maintenance of all the refinery’s analysis equipment
- Contract over several years with performance objective
- Permanent presence of a team on site including standby duty
Sogara – Gabon
- Audit and advisory mission for the stock of analysers at the Port Gentil refinery
- Inventory of the stock of analysers, proposals for improvements and budget assessment
Total Feyzin Refinery
- Engineering for the replacement of all the analysers on the ETBE and DA307 units