Tiffert fertiliser plant – Tunisia (Engineering by Technip France)
- Supplying various cabinets and plates for measurements in the water and the flue gas
- Engineering, purchases and integration of the various equipment
Centrale EDF Super-Phénix (Engineering by NNS)
- Analysis system on a sodium treatment unit within the framework of the dismantling of the nuclear power plant
- Engineering, supplying, installing and commissioning the analysers and gas detectors
JJubai Acetyl Complex – Saudi Arabia (Engineering by Air Liquide)
- Supplying a fully equipped analysis shelter CO production unit
- Engineering, supplies, integration and commissioning assistance
Maintenance and services
Air Liquide - Moissy Cramayel
- Maintenance of the analysers and sensors on the oxygen and nitrogen production site
- This renewable contract consists in carrying out the preventive and corrective maintenance of 39 analysers and 21 sensors
LNG Plant - Quatar (Engineering by Technip-Chioda JV)
- Assistance and supervision mission for the delivery of the analysis equipment and putting it into service
- Work carried out for the end customer.